LOVE YOU IN A BARREL 64/2 Wall Easy Inter Niels Poulsen
Last Dance 64 Count 2 Wall Inter Craig Bennett
FOLLOW THE LEADER 64/4 Wall Inter / Adv Neville& Julie
I AIN'T NEVER 64/4 Wall Low Inter
Guyton MundyFOLLOW THE LEADER 64/4 Wall Inter / Adv Neville& Julie
NEVER KNEW I NEEDED 32/4 Wall High Inter Shaz Walton
COLD BLOODED LOVER 84/2 Wall Adva - waltz Joey Warren
COLD BLOODED LOVER 84/2 Wall Adva - waltz Joey Warren
NEXT TO ME 32/4 Wall Inter Niels Poulsen (Denmark)
BOYS WILL BE BOYS 64 / 2 Wall Inter Rachael McEnaney
HIS ONLY NEED 32 Count 4 Wall Inter
Ria VosBOYS WILL BE BOYS 64 / 2 Wall Inter Rachael McEnaney
TACATA 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Daniel Trepat
ZUMBA 64 / 2 Wall Imp / Inter Jose Miguel Belloque Vane
50 WAYS 64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Pat Stott July 2012