I'm In Love With You Jose Miguel & Sebastiaan Holtland- 64 counts - 2 Wall - Easy Novice
Live My Life Rhoda Lai - 64 counts - 4 Wall - Intermediate
2013 Cha Cha Jaszmine Tan - 64 counts - 4 Wall - High Beginner
Somebody I Used To KnowRegina Cheung - 32 counts - 4 Wall - Improver
Booty Chuk Scott Blevins - 32 counts - 4 Wall - Intermediate
I Hope You Find It! Niels Poulsen 32 / 2 Wall Inter / Adv
You Needed Me Alison & Adeline Cheng 36 / 2 High Inter
RIPTIDE Kate Sala (UK) 48 Count 4 Wall Intermediate
Girl Power Simon Ward, Debbie McLaughli 64/2 Wall Inter
SHAKIN' MY HEAD Guyton Mundy 64 / 2 Wall Ph Inte
SHAKIN' MY HEAD Guyton Mundy 64 / 2 Wall Ph Inte
Coolio Rachael McEnaney& Arjay Centeno- 48 counts - 2 Wall
COME DANCE WITH US! Jennifer Choo 32 / 4 Wall Inter
GOING HOME Will Craig 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate
I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU Jose Miguel 64 / 2 Easy Novice
COUNTING STARS Simon Ward, Australia 80 / 2 Wall Inter
I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU Jose Miguel 64 / 2 Easy Novice